
Shooting happening in shopping centre 31.12.2009 in Finland
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Author:  Matti Peippo [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 16:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Shooting happening in shopping centre 31.12.2009 in Finland

In news they told.

Police say that suspected name is Shkupolli Ibrahim, which is said to be armed and dangerous. He was born in 1966 and lived in Finland for a longer period of time. Not originally Finnish person.

Shkupolli was previously convicted of at least the beatings, shooting and firearm crime.
Assault he was sentenced to the year before the Helsinki District Court. In addition, he has been under a restraining order.

Killed woman was his ex-wife and worker of shopping centre Prisma. All other deads was also Prisma workers. Shkupolli shot 1 woman, 4 men and himself.
4 died in shop, 1 killed in his home and killed himself in other home.


Gun was 9mm pistol. Not legally owned.

None can do anything against this kind of shooters because in Finland is not allowed to carry guns for protection.

You can find photos and news in Finnish www.iltalehti.fi
BBC and CNN also telling in their news

Author:  Dmitri Lomakin [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 17:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Again bad news from Finland about killings... Yes, It is really pity, and happened on New Year Party! All people must be very kind and happy, but not all of them... :cry:

Author:  Dmitri Lomakin [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 21:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

... I can not understand this people... if you want to do something wrong, ok, no problem, DO IT! But do It with YOURSELF, what for to kill some people ELSE! :269:

Author:  Roman Jemets [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 22:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

This time the guy was pure criminal with an illegal gun.

Author:  Matti Peippo [ Fri Jan 01, 2010 14:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

If somebody do something with legal gun it is bad and peoples and politicians talking gun must take off from people.

If it is non legal gun. Nobody say a thing because this is not bought from normal gunshop. So they they can not do anything about this " if you really want a gun you can buy it illegal " system.

Laws are not made for criminals. They can do what they want.

It is easy to take everything off from regular citizens.

I could tell you how our police collecting guns from some our hunters and sport shooters right now.

This is short version.
This collecting start few weeks ago.
Police send letter to you and asking to came to station with your guns. In letter they tell only that they want to talk about your gunlicence future.

If you take lawyer with you ( or lawyer just call to police ) then suddenly everything is ok and you can keep guns. Police only say. " Sorry. This invitation to bring your guns was mistake. We sent it to wrong person."

Many persons who want to do bad....really doing it for himself / herself
Approx 100 person shoot themself every year in Finland. Normally they are men. Approx. same amount women poisoning themself instead of shooting.

Over 220 person die every year for complication that painkill medicines do. ( Recipe free painkill medicines.) Should we say no for painkillers?

Only in Helsinki approx 150...160 person kill themself in year by jumping from high building. No for high buildings?
Finns make 1000...1200 suicide every year.

Approx 40 person shoot to death ( murder or kill ) / year.
And police said in one year: " 21 of those would be killed anyway anyhow. Those were fighting between criminals."

Even our school shootings did not raise the amount of (shot) deaths / year. I think it was 36 shot on that year 2007. Under 40 at 2008 also.

Author:  Matti Peippo [ Sat Jan 02, 2010 00:39 am ]
Post subject: 

More info.

Shooter was from Kosovo. Albanian.

Police has found his illegal pistol first time at 2003.

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